15 Feb 2010

There is a problem in my town

A couple of days ago i heard that there are plans on building a mosque in my town. Although being a devoted atheist it really doesn't bother me in any way whatsoever.

Today I read an article in Hufvudstadsbladet about the project. It seems like the building will not only be a mosque but also some kind of cultural centre with a library and a restaurant and stuff like that. Seems nice.

What made me quite upset was when I read the comments on the article. Apparently many of the readers of Hufvudstadsbladet are a bunch of idiots. You can "agree" or "disagree" by clicking beside the comments, and it seems like most people agreed with the islamofobic comments..

E.g. one reader comments: "It's over now...This is just the beginning" (my own translation) and he/she continues "apparently one can't draw conclusions from the problems around the world".

First of all I wonder if he/she even read the whole article. There are already small mosques spread throughout the city. Secondly I don't see the connection between a mosque and a failed integration process. And whose fault is that even? The refugee's or the Finnish government's?

Another one comments: "As you do know, many mosques propagate against the western culture." Well I didn't know that. I guess he/she goes to the mosque every Friday.

Many people also express views that we shouldn't allow mosques in our country since one can't, supposedly, build a church in Saudi-Arabia. WTF?! In what way does that have anything to do with a mosque being built here, far far away..?

A politician in my town started a campaign against the mosque but so far only 400-500 people have signed the petition.

I hope the mosque will look something like this!

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