24 Feb 2010
Narcissism & fascism walking hand in hand
Last week I talked to my brother about a phenomenon that has become quite big in resent years. I'm talking about Narcissism. I think it is especially visible here on the internet, or maybe the phenomenon is channelled through the internet.
One example, this site called lookbook.nu. There you are supposed to upload pictures of your style and fashion sense, at the same time as you of course promote yourself.
If people like your pictures they can comment and "Hype" your picture. The more "Hype"'s you get, further up in the list you will move. In this way the members are graded.
This I call Narcissism at it's best, or actually WORST. I can see no depth in this "community" what so ever, can hardy imagine any shallower community. On top of it all, not everyone can join the community, you either have to receive an invite or apply for one. In this way some kind of exclusiveness is upheld.
The main point with fashion is its continuous evolution or metamorphosis. This means that you should always keep up, and those who don't fail, thus creating a strong class structure. Here one can see a strong fascistic tendency that fashion possesses by its mere existence, it is inevitable.
Lookbook.nu is the first nominee for my yearly commodity fetishism award. I wonder if any of the users even think about how they are reduced to objects, (from human to object, it goes so fast!) for the market and the industry. I guess it's called pop culture. ;-) Using this site is a easy way to gain some kind of respect without really doing anything, just upload some pictures and maybe you can gain some respect.
I think sites like this is really a strong indicator of the project of the individual, that characterizes our time.
BTW. tomorrow I'm going to London.
One example, this site called lookbook.nu. There you are supposed to upload pictures of your style and fashion sense, at the same time as you of course promote yourself.
If people like your pictures they can comment and "Hype" your picture. The more "Hype"'s you get, further up in the list you will move. In this way the members are graded.
This I call Narcissism at it's best, or actually WORST. I can see no depth in this "community" what so ever, can hardy imagine any shallower community. On top of it all, not everyone can join the community, you either have to receive an invite or apply for one. In this way some kind of exclusiveness is upheld.
The main point with fashion is its continuous evolution or metamorphosis. This means that you should always keep up, and those who don't fail, thus creating a strong class structure. Here one can see a strong fascistic tendency that fashion possesses by its mere existence, it is inevitable.
Lookbook.nu is the first nominee for my yearly commodity fetishism award. I wonder if any of the users even think about how they are reduced to objects, (from human to object, it goes so fast!) for the market and the industry. I guess it's called pop culture. ;-) Using this site is a easy way to gain some kind of respect without really doing anything, just upload some pictures and maybe you can gain some respect.
I think sites like this is really a strong indicator of the project of the individual, that characterizes our time.
BTW. tomorrow I'm going to London.
17 Feb 2010
Ice cream

Look at the packaging, cardboard in a marine and tranquil colour. This ice cream symbolises the essence of ice cream, no extra flavour, only the pure, cold taste of vanilla. I think this is a soothing ice cream for this season, since it is cold, white and has a traditional taste, just like this cold traditional winter that we are now experiencing.
Another point that should be made is the fact that as we are living in a time of financial and economic recession, which also reflects in different trends, such as the ice cream market. There for I strongly support vanilla ice cream at this moment, since it symbolizes both tradition and humbleness.
Live well.
16 Feb 2010
Berger ♥ Luckmann
Today my Professor discussed Peter L Berger and Thomas Luckmann. The lecture is supposed to be some kind of discussion between the students and the professor, but as usual all the students, except me ^_^ , sat quietly the whole time. I don't claim that I said a lot, but at least I asked a couple of questions that I thought were relevant.
Berger & Luckmann published a very influential book in 1966, called The Social Construction of Reality. At that time the book was not very well received, as it wasn't perceived as Marxian enough.
Many years later the book was rediscovered and is now seen as one of the founding books of the social constructionism movement. In short B & L mean that there is no difference between real and deceptive knowledge. As you might know, Durkheim said that social facts should be seen as something out side of the individual. According to Weber society should be studied through the intentions of the individuals. B & L ask how a world full human actions can result in a world of social facts. They answer the question by saying that the human consciousness is intentional and that the world consists of a multitude of realities. By comparing our realities with each other, which we do in our everyday life, we construct a inter-subjective reality.
Our professor continued on another specific part of B & L's theory, that of legitimization.
According to B&L there are four kinds of legitimization.
- Linguistic objectification. To give a phenomenon or matter a name makes it more real and visible.
- pre-theoretic knowledge. This can be exemplified by proverbs, values and myths.
- Explicit theories. legitimises institutions and such based on theories, E.g. the church.
- Symbolic universes. These are what make the world understandable for the individual, although they might not comprehend all the different parts as it at the same time also gives explanations to difficult situations.

Well that was this Tuesday.
15 Feb 2010
There is a problem in my town
A couple of days ago i heard that there are plans on building a mosque in my town. Although being a devoted atheist it really doesn't bother me in any way whatsoever.
Today I read an article in Hufvudstadsbladet about the project. It seems like the building will not only be a mosque but also some kind of cultural centre with a library and a restaurant and stuff like that. Seems nice.
What made me quite upset was when I read the comments on the article. Apparently many of the readers of Hufvudstadsbladet are a bunch of idiots. You can "agree" or "disagree" by clicking beside the comments, and it seems like most people agreed with the islamofobic comments..
E.g. one reader comments: "It's over now...This is just the beginning" (my own translation) and he/she continues "apparently one can't draw conclusions from the problems around the world".
First of all I wonder if he/she even read the whole article. There are already small mosques spread throughout the city. Secondly I don't see the connection between a mosque and a failed integration process. And whose fault is that even? The refugee's or the Finnish government's?
Another one comments: "As you do know, many mosques propagate against the western culture." Well I didn't know that. I guess he/she goes to the mosque every Friday.
Many people also express views that we shouldn't allow mosques in our country since one can't, supposedly, build a church in Saudi-Arabia. WTF?! In what way does that have anything to do with a mosque being built here, far far away..?
A politician in my town started a campaign against the mosque but so far only 400-500 people have signed the petition.
Today I read an article in Hufvudstadsbladet about the project. It seems like the building will not only be a mosque but also some kind of cultural centre with a library and a restaurant and stuff like that. Seems nice.
What made me quite upset was when I read the comments on the article. Apparently many of the readers of Hufvudstadsbladet are a bunch of idiots. You can "agree" or "disagree" by clicking beside the comments, and it seems like most people agreed with the islamofobic comments..
E.g. one reader comments: "It's over now...This is just the beginning" (my own translation) and he/she continues "apparently one can't draw conclusions from the problems around the world".
First of all I wonder if he/she even read the whole article. There are already small mosques spread throughout the city. Secondly I don't see the connection between a mosque and a failed integration process. And whose fault is that even? The refugee's or the Finnish government's?
Another one comments: "As you do know, many mosques propagate against the western culture." Well I didn't know that. I guess he/she goes to the mosque every Friday.
Many people also express views that we shouldn't allow mosques in our country since one can't, supposedly, build a church in Saudi-Arabia. WTF?! In what way does that have anything to do with a mosque being built here, far far away..?
A politician in my town started a campaign against the mosque but so far only 400-500 people have signed the petition.
I had a really really nice birthday party yesterday! OMG! crazy dancing, pictures and posters falling off the wall.. Maybe all this was due to a quite high intake of alcohol. Either way it was really really fun!
I am satisfied.
Today I went to eat at an Indian restaurant with a couple of friends. The food was very good as usual, I LOVE Indian food!
Taking about robots again, I finally found a film I wanted to see for a long time. The film, called Electroma, was made by Daft Punk in 2006. It is a quite poetic and visually very intriguing film about two robots that want to become human.
Crazy robots. Why would any robot want to be human?!
If someone could buy me one of those robots with the silver head i would be very very happy!
Anyway. You can watch the film here.
I am satisfied.
Today I went to eat at an Indian restaurant with a couple of friends. The food was very good as usual, I LOVE Indian food!
Taking about robots again, I finally found a film I wanted to see for a long time. The film, called Electroma, was made by Daft Punk in 2006. It is a quite poetic and visually very intriguing film about two robots that want to become human.
Crazy robots. Why would any robot want to be human?!
If someone could buy me one of those robots with the silver head i would be very very happy!
Anyway. You can watch the film here.
12 Feb 2010
Started preparing for my birthday party that's coming up tomorrow. It's going to be one of those sweet 16 parties, or then maybe not. But I would like to get a car though...
I found a new group today, new to me at least, that seems quite interesting. They play some kind of African electro. Or it's apparently a mix of Angolan dance music Kuduro and electro-beats. And if you don't know where Angola is google it FFS!
Anyway this London based group is called Buraka som Sistema.
Happy go lucky!
I found a new group today, new to me at least, that seems quite interesting. They play some kind of African electro. Or it's apparently a mix of Angolan dance music Kuduro and electro-beats. And if you don't know where Angola is google it FFS!
Anyway this London based group is called Buraka som Sistema.
Happy go lucky!
11 Feb 2010
I bought myself a new pair of headphones today. Walked for over TWO hours, WALKED!, back and forth to the store. This because, I'm again out of money, and the store that was so far away, was the cheapest place where one can buy these..
But I am very satisfied with my new headphones. Now I can use my mp3-player again. An iPod.. I feel kind of stupid owning an iPod, but it seems to be the only mp3-player one can buy to have any kind of street cred. And an iPod these days is any way just a poor man's buy instead of an iPhone.. haha
10 Feb 2010
My birthday is coming up.
Wonder what kind of presents I will get.
I hope I get a robot. Or a robot boyfriend. He would love me forever, or at least until the batteries run out.
I guess I'm not really very appreciative. I have quite a lot really.
Karen O probably has a blast every birthday, I'm sure I will too.
Wonder what kind of presents I will get.
I hope I get a robot. Or a robot boyfriend. He would love me forever, or at least until the batteries run out.
I guess I'm not really very appreciative. I have quite a lot really.
Karen O probably has a blast every birthday, I'm sure I will too.
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